Manual Bottle Capper Accessories
PST-100EXC Capping Machine Support Stand
Constructed of 304 stainless steel for excellent corrosion resistance. The column of the stand is 42 inches high and the arm is 39 inches long.
The trolley glides freely along the arm and the arm can swivel 360 degrees about the column. The gliding action of the trolley and swiveling action of the arm allow for excellent freedom of movement and enables the operator to cap over a large area. The stand also makes for easy mounting and organizing of the capping machine, capper balancer and air hoses.
To complete purchase please continue to Package 2 on the ST™ Bottle Capper Pricing Page.
Bench Clamp
The stainless steel Bench Clamp allows you to fasten the PST-100EXC Capping Machine Support Stand to your table without screwing the base of the stand directly into your table. The price of the Bench Clamp is $55. You can either purchase it directly below or add it when you place an order for an ST Capping Machine.
Price: $55 Buy Now

Bench Clamp
ST™ PowerCap Package
A hand held capping machine becomes very difficult and fatiguing to hold when tightening large caps, greater than 70mm in diameter.
By design, the operator of a hand-held capping machine has to hold the capping machine still during the capping process. As a result, when the machine is applying the required torque to tighten a cap, the operator has to exert an equal amount of torque in the opposite direction to prevent the machine from rotating during the capping process.
Holding a hand-held capping machine is not at all difficult when tightening small or medium sized caps, but for large caps, it becomes quite difficult. Large caps require a lot of torque to be properly tightened, so the operator has to exert a lot of force to hold the machine still.
We developed the ST™ PowerCap Package for customers that would like to use a hand-held capping machine to tighten large caps. The PowerCap Package enables the operator to tighten large caps comfortably and ergonomically.
The ST™ PowerCap Package includes the PST-100EXC Capping Machine Support Stand and TSA-100 Torque Stabilizing Arm. Both the support stand and stabilizing arm are constructed of 304 stainless steel for excellent corrosion resistance.
The stabilizing arm attaches to the column of the support stand. The stabilizing arm holds the ST™ Capping Machine still during the capping process so the operator does not have to. It eliminates 100% of the twisting torque generated during the capping process, protecting the operator’s fingers, hands, wrists and arms from repetitive strain.
The 32 inch long torque stabilizing arm provides 16 inches of telescopic travel. This allows the operator to cap bottles as close as 16 inches to the column and up to 32 inches away from the column. The torque stabilizing arm also swivels 240° about the column further increasing the freedom of movement of the capping machine allowing the operator to cap over a large area.
To complete purchase please continue to Package 3 on the ST™ Bottle Capper Pricing Page.
Lever Activated Bottle Gripping Base
The Lever Activated Base perfectly centers the bottle in preparation for capping and holds the bottle to prevent it from spinning during the capping process. The four continuously adjustable grippers can be set to center and hold any bottle regardless of its shape.
The Lever Activated Base is particularly well suited for use with very short or narrow bottles. Very short containers are difficult to hold during the capping process. There is very little space for the operator’s hand to safely hold the container without being too close to the cap when the machine is tightening it. The Lever Activated Base holds the bottle firmly and allows the operator to remove their hands from the capping area while the cap is being tightened, enhancing the safety of the capping process.
The Lever Activated Base works with bottles up to 6.5 inches in diameter. It is constructed of 304 stainless steel and hard coat anodized aluminum for outstanding corrosion resistance.
The price of the Lever Activated Base is $1,150. You can either purchase it directly below or add it when you place an order for an ST Capping Machine.
Price: $1,150 Buy Now
Machined Chucks
Machined chucks are custom made to fit the rib pattern of a particular cap. They fit the cap in the same way as a socket fits a nut. Machined chucks provide extreme gripping power that make them very useful for certain types of challenging jobs. A few of which are described below.
- Ergonomic Advantages when used with Handheld Capping Machines
In addition to their extraordinary gripping power, machined chucks also provide ergonomic advantages when they are used with handheld capping machines. When using a standard chuck and liner with a handheld capping machine, the operator needs to exert downforce during the capping process. The downward force is required to press the liner against the cap which allows the liner to grip the cap. If no downward force is used during the capping process, the liner will simply skid over the cap.
Machined chucks do not rely on friction to grip a cap, and as a result, when operating a handheld capping machine fitted with a machined chuck, the operator does not have to exert downward during the capping process. This is a significant ergonomic improvement. - De-Capping
The vast majority of de-capping jobs require a machined chuck. In most cases a standard chuck cannot provide enough gripping power to remove a tight cap. Generally what occurs is that the liner simply skids over the cap without removing it.
Machined chucks grip a cap so perfectly that it makes the removal of even the tightest of caps very easy. - Clean Room & Sterile Environments
The urethane or white rubber inserts within a standard chuck will wear slowly over time and can occasionally leave very small amounts of urethane or white rubber particles on the caps they tighten. These particles may not be allowed in certain clean, sterile or controlled environments.
Machined chucks are ideal for clean environments since they do not wear and do not create particles.
Machined chucks also improve torque accuracy and never have to be replaced. - Extreme Torque Applications
When a cap has to be applied with an unusual or extreme level of tightness, a machined chuck is the perfect solution. A machined chuck can always apply as much torque as is necessary and will do so quite easily. Machined chucks also improve torque accuracy and never have to be replaced.
Machined chucks cannot be purchased through our shopping cart. Please contact us to order.

Machined Chucks

Standard Chuck
with Urethane Liner
Vanguard Chucks
A Vanguard chuck can be thought of as a flexible machined chuck. While a machined chuck is a custom part designed to fit the rib pattern of a particular cap, a Vanguard chuck uses 8 strategically positioned ribs that allow it to grip the rib patterns of most caps. The ribs on a Vanguard chuck are backed by two flexible bands that press the ribs against the cap to generate a strong grip on the cap. A capping machine fitted with a Vanguard chuck can drive very high amounts of torque onto a cap. Vanguard chucks allow you to deliver as little or as much torque onto a cap as you desire and also have a beneficial impact on torque accuracy.
Vanguard chucks are very useful for certain applications, some of which are described below.
- Ergonomic Advantages when used with Handheld Capping Machines
Vanguard chucks provide ergonomic advantages when they are used with handheld capping machines. When using a standard chuck and liner with a handheld capping machine, the operator needs to exert downforce during the capping process. The downward force is required to press the liner against the cap which allows the liner to grip the cap. If no downward force is used during the capping process, the liner will simply skid over the cap.
Like machined chucks, Vanguard chucks do not rely on friction to grip a cap, and as a result, when operating a handheld capping machine fitted with a Vanguard chuck, the operator does not have to exert downward force during the capping process. This is a significant ergonomic improvement.
- Extreme Torque Applications
When a cap has to be applied with an unusual or extreme level of tightness, a machined vanguard chuck is an excellent solution. - Cap Retaining Chuck for Pick & Place Operations
A cap retaining chuck is a chuck that is able to retain a cap that is inserted into it. The two flexible bands on a Vanguard chuck press the ribs against the cap, which will hold a cap within the chuck.
Cap retaining chucks can be used to pick up a cap, hold it, and then tighten it onto a container, which is commonly referred to as a pick and place operation. For this reason they are ideal for use with automated capping machines and automated robotic capping systems.
Deepwell Vanguard Chucks
Deepwell Vanguard chucks are Vanguard chucks that include a secondary cavity that allow them to tighten caps with external features such as sports caps, mist spray caps, yorker caps, dropper caps, and many more.

Vanguard Chuck

Deepwell Vanguard Chuck

Caps with External Features
Oil Free Pneumatic Motors
Fit your ST™ Bottle Capper with an optional oil free pneumatic motor. Just as the name suggests, our oil free pneumatic motors do not require lubrication.
Standard pneumatic motors cannot be used in some clean environments because they expel a tiny amount of lubrication in their exhaust. Although the amount of oil they expel is so minimal that it is almost imperceptible, it is still not suitable for some clean room environments. Since our oil free motors require no lubrication, the exhaust air exiting the capping machine is as clean and dry as the compressed air going into it.
The oil free pneumatic motor is an optional upgrade to the standard motor offered with the ST Capping machine. The cost of the upgrade is $250. You can purchase this upgrade when you place your order.

ST Capping Machine
with Oil Free Motor